
Thank You to the Sikh Community!

November 30, 2018

Thank You to the Sikh Community!

The Sikh community of Montreal and Greater Montreal through its Gurudwara Sahib Quebec Temple celebrated Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 549th birthday, on November 25th. Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, taught that sharing with the less fortunate in our society was everyone’s duty.

Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion, taught that sharing with the less fortunate in our society was everyone’s duty. To underline this event, members of the Gurudwara Quebec of Montreal, invited the community “to stay for a while after the service and enjoy our traditional vegetarian lunch called Langar; the tradition that was started by Guru Nanak to express the ideals of equality and, to remind us to practice the ethics of sharing, of inclusiveness and, oneness of all humankind,” said Jagdish Singh Sidhu, General Secretary of Gurudwara Sahib Quebec. The support of the Gurudwara Temple is all the more important to Sun Youth during this time of the year, since it is when everyone should be able to share a little bit of the Holiday season spirit. Once again, Sun Youth will help some 12,000 people by giving them enough food to prepare a Holiday meal and new toys for their children under 12 years old.

Sun Youth wishes to thank the members of the Montreal Sikh community for their 3 500 $ donation and constant support throughout the years. Together, we will be able to spread some Holiday cheer to those in need or struck by a tragedy.

Sun Youth cofounder and Executive Vice-President receiving a symbolic food hamper at the Gurudwara Sahbib Québec celebration of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 549th birthday. Photo: Nicolas Carpentier


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