We regularly receive from the public donations of dishware, bedding, small household appliances, such as microwave ovens, radios and other home items. These donations are distributed to disaster victims and to our low-income clientele to help them make a new start.
People needing free household goods must call Monday to Friday, from 9am to noon, at 514-842-1214 to make an appointment.
Good to know
The general public may purchase, for a minimal cost, second-hand books, music CDs and movies. Profits generated help finance our services.

Scholarships & Bursaries

Food Assistance
Annually we provide free food to thousands of Montrealers in various forms: emergency food hampers, monthly food supplements, home deliveries, Christmas baskets and more
Annually we provide free food to thousands of Montrealers in various forms: emergency food hampers, monthly food supplements, home deliveries,...

Clothing Assistance
Our clothing bank is intended for low-income individuals living in the Greater Montreal area. You need help getting clothes or you have clothes to give? We can help!
Our clothing bank is intended for low-income individuals living in the Greater Montreal area. You need help getting clothes or...


Annually we provide free food to thousands of Montrealers in various forms: emergency food hampers, monthly food supplements, home deliveries, Christmas baskets and more
Annually we provide free food to thousands of Montrealers in various forms: emergency food hampers, monthly food supplements, home deliveries,...

Our clothing bank is intended for low-income individuals living in the Greater Montreal area. You need help getting clothes or you have clothes to give? We can help!
Our clothing bank is intended for low-income individuals living in the Greater Montreal area. You need help getting clothes or...