Since 1984, our Bike Patrol bikes through the streets of Montreal every summer, between early June and mid-August. Its role is to promote safety and prevent crime, giving the community a feeling of security.

Working closely with the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) and assigned to a dozen stations, our patrollers are deployed on bike paths and on the streets five days a week from 10 am to 18 pm to check parks, playgrounds, swimming pools malls, subway stations and other places where children and elderly people are found (schools, day camps, senior residences) helping where needed, giving prevention tips, and reporting violations. Patrollers are equipped with mountain bikes, walkie-talkies and first-aid kits in order to lend a hand to people in emergency situations.

Prior to the beginning of patrol, all of our patrollers are trained by SPVM’s officers and follow a first aid course recognized by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

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