
Golden Bargains…

September 28, 2015

Golden Bargains…


Sun Youth’s Seniors Club will hold its Annual Bazaar on October 2nd.

Sun Youth’s Seniors Club will hold its Annual Bazaar at the Sun Youth headquarters.  The bargain hunters will want to mark October 2nd in their agenda because, from 9:00am until 3:00pm, our seniors invite them to take advantage of incredible offers on new and used goods while contributing to the funding of the club’s regular activities. 

All are invitedMontreal Times Bazaar Ad_2015.jpg to drop-by our gym where the Seniors Club Bazaar will be held.  We suggest you come early so you are able to put your hands on exclusive items while bargaining with our golden volunteers.  All are welcome on Friday, October 2nd, 2015 from 9:00am to 3:00pm in the Sun Youth Gym, 4251, St-Urbain Street (corner of Rachel).  For information, contact Sun Youth’s Seniors Club at (514) 842-6356.  We hope to see you there!


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