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Extreme cold causes budget freeze

February 15, 2023

Extreme cold causes budget freeze

The extreme cold spell that hit Montreal last weekend reminded us how vulnerable less fortunate people can be to things that are out of their control. Not only is this true for homeless people but also for low-income families living in badly insulated apartments. To avoid peaks in electricity consumption, we are being asked to wash the dishes and do the laundry at odd hours. Yet, most low-income families do not even own laundry machines or dishwashers. Once again, low-income families have little space where they can cut expenses. Moreover, most people don’t realize that 60% of their electricity bills come from heating, especially newly arrived Montrealers. Huge electricity bills they cannot afford are often a nasty surprise for newcomers.

Over the years, Sun Youth has become a major reference for people in need of help. We’ve developed many partnerships with different community and governmental organizations to make sure families receive the help that they need. Since January 2023, we’ve helped 10,000 people through our emergency services. Whether fire victims or victims of criminal acts, senior citizens with reduced mobility or newly arrived immigrants/asylum seekers; they received food, warm clothes, school supplies, medication, home deliveries, etc.

Heating Assistance

Through this initiative and thanks to various partnerships, Sun Youth is able to help people having difficulties because of the intense cold. This assistance can take the form of a delivery of heating oil for people whose tank is empty, a negotiation of a payment agreement with Hydro-Québec or access to services to improve the energy efficiency of a residence through the Éconologis program. So far this winter, experts from Econologis have made improvements to the apartments of more than 150 families referred by Sun Youth. 

Assistance to Disaster Victims

Due to the extreme weather conditions of the past few days, we have been called by our partners, the Montreal Fire Department (Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal) in collaboration with the Canadian Red Cross, Quebec division, to provide emergency services to fires and floods victims such as food, transportation, grocery and pharmacy gift cards, as well as hygiene products, medication, blankets and essential information so that those affected by the events may know which are the following critical steps they need to take.

Refugees and Asylum Seekers

Through partnerships with schools, we were able to help more than 100 children, newly arrived in the country with school supplies and warm clothes. Also in partnership with organizations such as the Welcome Haven, the Welcome Collective, the Salvation Army and Refugee Canada, we provide warm clothes to 200 families per month. 

To receive assistance, call 514 842-6822 or write to services@jeunesseausoleil.com.


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