Our services are as diverse as the clients we serve, meet a specific need and reflect their concerns. These services are flexible, personalized and constantly evolving.
Our services translate into material or financial assistance, including areas related to health and healthy lifestyle habits. They target a vulnerable clientele with specific needs (the elderly, crime victims, pregnant women and HIV positive individuals, etc.) as well as the general population through crime prevention initiatives.
Most of our activities are offered in partnership with various community, corporate, municipal and provincial actors, including many police forces and health and social services organizations and the Montreal Fire Department. In addition to these valuable partnerships, we rely on the support of our donors to accomplish our mission and deliver these services.
Financial Assistance

Are you having a hard time paying for your medication? Our service is intended for all low income individuals covered by the Public Prescription Drug Insurance Plan.
Are you having a hard time paying for your medication? Our service is intended for all low income individuals covered...

Having a hard time paying your electricity bills? Is your heating oil tank almost empty? We can help by negotiating payment agreements or providing you free heating oil.
Having a hard time paying your electricity bills? Is your heating oil tank almost empty? We can help by negotiating...

Food Assistance

Thousands of families and individuals benefit from free food baskets prepared especially for the Holidays. Children aged 12 years old and under are also given a new toy.
Thousands of families and individuals benefit from free food baskets prepared especially for the Holidays. Children aged 12 years old...

Our home delivery service is intended for low-income people who, for reasons of health and social isolation, cannot access our usual on-site services.
Our home delivery service is intended for low-income people who, for reasons of health and social isolation, cannot access our...

Annually we provide free food to thousands of Montrealers in various forms: emergency food hampers, monthly food supplements, home deliveries, Christmas baskets and more
Annually we provide free food to thousands of Montrealers in various forms: emergency food hampers, monthly food supplements, home deliveries,...

Material Assistance

Does your child suffer from nocturnal bedwetting? In partnership with Ledoux Reflexe, we can help you fix this problem for good!
Does your child suffer from nocturnal bedwetting? In partnership with Ledoux Reflexe, we can help you fix this problem for...

You need glasses but you are not covered by the public insurance plan or you can’t afford it? We can help you see clearly!
You need glasses but you are not covered by the public insurance plan or you can’t afford it? We can...

We assist low-income people with second-hand household goods. You were the victim of a disaster? You are a newcomer to this country? We can help you make a new start!
We assist low-income people with second-hand household goods. You were the victim of a disaster? You are a newcomer to...


Going back to school is a hard period to go through for many families. We offer school bags with donations from the public and companies or we purchase products with monetary donations.
Going back to school is a hard period to go through for many families. We offer school bags with donations...

Winning popularity each year, cycling has been important to us since the 1950s. We distribute at no cost hundreds of bicycles, new and recycled, each year.
Winning popularity each year, cycling has been important to us since the 1950s. We distribute at no cost hundreds of...

Since its creation, our rewards program has helped solve 26 criminal investigations and cases of missing persons, all over Quebec and even Ontario.
Since its creation, our rewards program has helped solve 26 criminal investigations and cases of missing persons, all over Quebec...

We reward individuals of exceptional bravery who come to the rescue of people in danger, sometimes risking their own lives. If you know such a person, tell us all about it.
We reward individuals of exceptional bravery who come to the rescue of people in danger, sometimes risking their own lives....

Our Bike Patrol rides through the streets, parks and bike paths of Montreal every summer to promote safety and prevent crime, working closely with Police Service (SPVM).
Our Bike Patrol rides through the streets, parks and bike paths of Montreal every summer to promote safety and prevent...


Elderly people will find at our Seniors Club opportunities to socialize and practice various activities helping them maintain their autonomy.
Elderly people will find at our Seniors Club opportunities to socialize and practice various activities helping them maintain their autonomy.

Special Programs

The rise in the number of violent crimes and the tragedy at Dawson College inspired us to create a special fund dedicated to crime victims, thanks to the generosity of our donors.
The rise in the number of violent crimes and the tragedy at Dawson College inspired us to create a special...

Since the 1970’s, we have been caring for people affected a disaster or an emergency situation by providing them with basic and personalized assistance.
Since the 1970’s, we have been caring for people affected a disaster or an emergency situation by providing them with...

Are you a student struggling to make ends meet? We can help you by providing material assistance (food, clothing and household items).
Are you a student struggling to make ends meet? We can help you by providing material assistance (food, clothing and...

We have always had the well-being of children at heart. That is why, in partnership with health and social services organizations, we offer material and financial and social support to families with a sick child.
We have always had the well-being of children at heart. That is why, in partnership with health and social services...



The Sun Youth Football Program is for its players aged 7 to 17, allowing them to get the year round benefits of ....

The Hornets Basketball program has been one of Sun Youth's longest-running services, allowing thousands of youth over the....

SLAP is a hockey development program that allows 5 to 13 years old children from low income families to get an introduction to this sport.