Bike Patrol . Partenaires . Prévention

The bike patrol is ready for the summer!

juin 14, 2016

The bike patrol is ready for the summer!

The patrollers will be working closely with 9 local police stations across Montreal and the West-Island for 10 weeks.

For the 32nd consecutive summer the Sun Youth Bike Patrol will be present on streets, bike paths, parks and playgrounds, emphasizing a sense of safety and community in the public spaces of the Greater Montreal area.

On June 8th 24 bike patrollers were sworn in by the director of the SPVM Philippe Pichet. Trained in first aid and other public safety skills, the bike patrollers will also be delivering different seminars on public and bicycle safety, and be a presence at festivals, community events, and fundraisers for local organizations throughout the summer. Wherever they are, they will act as the eyes and ears of the Montreal Police, working closely with 9 local police stations across Montreal and the West-Island for a period of 10 weeks, starting on June 6th and finishing on August 12th, 2016.

The 32nd Edition of the Bike Patrol is made possible by the Federal Government and Thomas Mulcair, as well as the Quebec Ministry of Public Security and Jacques Chagnon, President of the National Assembly. Local businesses also make an indispensable contribution to the Bike Patrol, including Dorel Industries, who supply the durable mountain bikes used by Sun Youth’s Patrollers throughout the summer. Additionally, Toyota Gabriel and General Director Nazih Chemali will provide the patrol with an administrative vehicle. The Sun Youth Bike Patrol is also made possible by financial support from the Gustav Levinschi Foundation.


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