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Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation

septembre 6, 2017

Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation

Sun Youth received $100,000 from the Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation.

In order to carry out its mission successfully, Sun Youth relies primarily on the generosity of private donors, such as the Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation. For a fifth year in a row, the Foundation renewed its support with a $100,000 contribution.

This generous donation will go towards many different programs that Sun Youth offers, including the Crime Victims Fund that acts as a supplement to the aid provided by government to the victims of violent crimes and their families. Since its creation in 2006, it has become a very important program for Sun Youth’s Crime Prevention division. Any eligible person may, depending on their financial situation, receive assistance for expenses such as rent, electricity, heating, pharmaceuticals and transportation.

The rest of the funds will also go towards many other programs including; the Children’s Help program that offers families material assistance, financial help, moral support and follow up, the Home Delivery service for people facing reduced mobility and social isolation, the Bike Patrol and the Day Camp. The Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation’s contribution will help Sun Youth maintain those programs and improve the community’s well-being.

The Charlotte and Leo Karassik Foundation was created in order to continue the positive and generous legacy of Charlotte and Leo Karassik, both of whom have since passed away. The Foundation funds other registered charities dedicated to the welfare of individuals and communities. Following the death of Mr. Karassik in 2007, Mrs. Karassik preselected seven organizations to benefit in perpetuity from the generosity of the Foundation, before she passed away herself in 2012. Other beneficiaries include hospitals, universities, eldercare centers, sports organizations, summer camps and more. Sun Youth is proud to be among these recipients.


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