Alimentation . Noël

Christmas basket distribution starts today

janvier 16, 2015

Christmas basket distribution starts today


Sun Youth announces the beginning of its distribution :15,000 people will be receiving help.

After distributing close to 200 hundred Chanukah baskets last week, Sun Youth announces the beginning of its 2014 Christmas Basket distribution tomorrow on December 18th,   as well as its 34th annual Holiday Basketball tournament. Until December 24th, approximately 15,000 people will receive help for this festive period as almost 5,000 hampers and thousands of new toys for children will be distributed. 

Thanks to the generosity of Montrealers during the December 5th Big Media Food Drive (la grande guignolée des médias) and that of many businesses, needy families and individuals will spend an enjoyable Christmas.

For this December 18th distribution day, representatives from the Montreal Police Department will lend a hand to Sun Youth’s staff and volunteers, from 10 am to 5 pm, to give out non-perishable food, meat, dairy products, and little treats for the Holidays and gifts for children. Between 10 am and 1 pm, they will be joined by Thomas Mulcair, Luc Ferrandez and David Birnbaum, amongst other public figures. As of 2 pm, Marc Parent, Denis Coderre, Kathleen Weil and six members of her cabine will take part in this special distribution to thousands of underprivileged families, making sure they can share in the warmth of Christmas.

Also beginning this Thursday, December 18 is the 34th  Annual Sun Youth Christmas Basketball Tournament in the organization’s gymnasium. This tournament opposes young athletes aged 16 to 21 years old coming from Quebec but also from Ontario and the United States. This annual tradition showcases high caliber matches where the future stars of the sport get a chance to demonstrate their talent. The Hornets, Sun Youth’s basketball team, will of course be part of the competition and will aim for victory.

Finally, Sun Youth would also like to remind the public that registrations for Christmas baskets are still accepted. People interested should come to Sun Youth between 9 am to 4 pm with a proof of income, proof of address and identification documents for all people in their household.


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